Chruch…to attend or not to attend

In January of this year (2020), I started reading James with the intent to read straight through Revelation. I began reading Rev. 1, April 3rd, and I am just now (July 21st) to Rev. 15. A lot is going on in the book of Rev. I can’t wait to go through it with you. But I decided there is another topic that needs discussing first. Hence, the title of this blog. I decided this was the better place to start because the first few chapters of Rev. is addressed to the 7 churches. So we need to have a solid grasp on what Church means in the Bible.

If you have read my “About Blog” page, then you know I haven’t attended church in almost 8 years. I feel I must expand on this so as there can be no misunderstanding. If you attend church, are happy there, and feel you are doing your best job for Jesus through your church attendance, please, by all means, keep attending.

Personally, I had reached a point in my walk where I felt attending church wasn’t where I was supposed to be or how I was supposed to be serving Jesus. I made many life long friendships through attending church. I received love, acceptance, and help when I needed it the most. Attending church served many purposes in my growth as a Christian.

Truthfully, the circumstances in my life changed, and with those changes came a shift in my perspective. God started placing people in my life that were outside the organized church but professed to be Christians. People whose views and beliefs didn’t line up with mine. Instead of instantly rejecting them as false, I asked Jesus to show me the truth, I’ve prayed for wisdom and understanding, and I read the Bible daily. For my life, I believe that I have found understanding and wisdom. For your life, you will need to do the same between you and God.

I want to backstep a little to talk about wisdom and understanding, where it comes from, and who can access it.

2nd Cor. 11:6- “I may not be a trained speaker, but I do have knowledge”.

Exodus 4:12- “Now go, I will help you speak and will teach you what to say”.

Proverbs 1:7- “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and knowledge”.

Proverbs 4:7- “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

That’s just skimming the Bible’s surface verses that speak on wisdom, understanding, and where it can be accessed. The Bible makes it very clear that wisdom only comes from God (not the news, the President, Speaker of the House, or any political figure, Facebook, Twitter, or any other humanly source of “knowledge”) and anyone, ANYONE, that seeks it and asks God for it will receive it.

Here are a few more verses for reference. I encourage you to do a thorough search on your own. There are many verses on this because I believe God wants His followers to seek His wisdom and His knowledge from only His Word and nowhere else. (Proverbs 2:6; Daniel 2:20 & 28; Job 11:7; Colossians 2:2; Romans 11:33 & 36; Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 13:11; Ephesians 1:17; Amos 3:7; John 8:31)

If you’ve read my first blog, ” Welcome Fellow Christians,” you saw that one reason I felt church attendance wasn’t the place for me at this point in my life is that it had become too organized for me. The second reason is it became too politicized. I feel this only creates more division where there should be no division at all. The more we divide ourselves, the less productive we will be.

I recently read that 65% of polled American adults identify as Christian in 2019. In 1990 it was 85%, in 2001 it was 81.6% and 78% in 2012. Christianity is declining rapidly. Could it be because of the church’s divisiveness? I most definitely believe it’s one of the reasons. Why divide the body of Christ, which was never meant to be divided at all, and divide it even further by bringing political matters to the pulpit? When I’ve brought up this point in conversations, many times, more often than not, I get this response, “The Bible tells us to watch and be knowledgeable about what’s happening in the world.” Yes, it does, kind of.

Matt. 25:13; “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day, nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh”

If you read this verse in the full context of the chapter, you will see that before Jesus said this, He told a parable of ten virgins and their lamps. Five were wise, and five were foolish. The foolish ones took their lamps but no oil; the wise ones took oil in containers. When the time came, the foolish had to return to purchase more oil and therefore missed the coming of the bridegroom.

If we are constantly watching the news, looking at Facebook, and not making sure we have enough oil (Biblical knowledge) to last while the Bridegroom tarries, then we are going to miss the Bridegroom. Our hearts and minds will be filled with fear, anger, mistrust, others’ judgment, hate, and malice. These are all side effects of seeking “worldly” knowledge instead of the Wisdom of God. So, even though we should know, to some extent, the goings-on of the world, we shouldn’t let it consume us. If we are to be consumed by any news, let it be from the good news, the Holy Bible.

There is a difference between referencing an event in time or history and preaching political points from the pulpit. The latter, in my humble opinion, should never happen.

That’s it for now. Don’t forget to search the Bible for verses on wisdom. Also, feel free to share verses you feel speak on church attendance. I’d love to have your feedback. Until next time!

Church…. to attend or not to attend Part 2 coming!

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4 Responses to Chruch…to attend or not to attend

  1. vp says:

    One of the primary verses used when discussing church attendance is Hebrews 10:25. How do you rectify this with your decision not to attend church?

    • Thanks for the comment. I used that verse on my About Blog page. Hebrews 10:25
      “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” This verse says not to give up meeting together but it doesn’t say in a building with a sign that says “Church”. Matthew 18:20 “When two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Although I have not sat in a church building in 8 years, I have not given up “gathering” or “meeting” together with fellow Christians. As someone who knows me personally, you know one of my favorite conversation topics is my faith. I believe anytime I am talking with other Christians, even just one on one conversations, Jesus is there and we’re having “church”. Also in these personal gatherings, our talking points are not being dictated by the Baptist, Methodist, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, etc. etc. Associations.
      I have been told more than once, I won’t be going to Heaven if I don’t go to church. I’ve attended a funeral of a man I loved dearly and at his funeral the preacher literally said he wouldn’t be going to Heaven because he left the “church” years ago. Who is teaching these people such nonsense? It’s not Biblical.

      • Jo LM says:

        think attending church is great for fellowship and socializing. Ive been to many different denominations. Ive picked a church for the atmosphere and the people. I prefer smaller churches..more personable.
        I worked weekends in the hospital for many years so I could take care of my son during the week. He was in church with my parents on Sundays. Ive been physically unable to go to church many times in my life bc of a debilitating disease. Ive always found a way to hear the word on Sundays. I never thought TV preachers would be acceptable or even fulfilling for me but for the past 30 years Ive grown as a christian bc of the men and women preaching on tv.
        Mark 2:27 And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”
        . I dont believe the sabbath or church were meant to be a burden to us but rather to ease our burdens and get us closer to God.

        • Hey Joanna, Thanks for commenting! Going to church is fantastic for socializing. I agree. Some people may only have contact with other Christians in a social setting at church. Socialization is one of the most significant benefits, for many people, to have a building to gather for socialization. A few true Christians are preaching The Word on Tv, for no other purpose than to give freely and honor God for those who wouldn’t be able to hear it otherwise. Thank God for them. I’m afraid that many get their church attendance confused with their CHURCH attendance. They are not the same. These confused church attenders are who Jesus is speaking to in the first three chapters of Revelation. The Sabbath is intended to be a day of rest and worship, and the church is designed to be a place to go, where we can share the love of Jesus Christ with fellow Christians. A place of help for all who enter. Neither should we feel burdensome, or we aren’t doing it right, or the church isn’t doing it right, or maybe both is the correct answer? Thanks again for the comment. I liked the verse you shared, by the way.

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