#CancelNetflix. Really?

For a few days now, I’ve seen many posts about canceling Netflix because of the movie Cuties. The memes and posts state that the movie promotes pedophilia. I am not a person who participates in the boycotting of anything based on others’ beliefs, even if the boycotters’ beliefs align with mine. However, I am extremely anti-pedophilia. If the claims I saw about this movie were indeed true, I would shut Netflix down. So last night, I watched the movie in its entirety, with my husband, who I would need to be on board with me if I should need to take a stand.

First, the movie was made in a different culture, and it was poorly made and hard to watch. Second, in no way did it promote pedophilia. In fact, it was the exact opposite. So I’m speculating that most people typing out #CancelNetflix have not watched the movie.

The movie centers around four eleven-year-old girls who have very little, near-zero, parent participation in their lives. They want to enter a dance contest and turn to the internet to learn dance moves. The moves they incorporate into their routine are reminiscent of a recent Super Bowl halftime show that I saw many praising. Some of them are now posting #CancelNetflix.

This movie is about the sexualization of girls. It’s about how things can turn out badly for a girl who bases her beliefs on what it means to be a woman, based on what she sees and hears adults doing on the internet. Did they dance provocatively? Yes, they did, but no more than I’ve seen on some popular TV shows I know many of you watch regularly. Were they prompted to do so by someone in their personal lives; Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, the creepy neighbor on the corner? No, they weren’t. They were prompted by what they watched on the internet/TV.

Blame shouldn’t be put on the show/movie/song or its creator. The blame belongs to adults who watch/listen/sing with their way too young children or pays no attention to what they are watching and hearing. Many things in this world are not meant for young eyes or ears. They don’t have the capacity to sort it out and process it correctly. Which is one point the movie was trying to make.

Television didn’t play the culprit in the movie’s plot, but in real life, it is very much the culprit. Some American television shows/movies/songs have been sexualizing children for many years now, and I’ve seen zero outrage. I guess outrage over something that so many sit with their young children and watch weekly (or sing along with) as a family is too big of an ask. Maybe, if someone made a meme about it, that would spark some rage.

The Power of Memes

Last night I decided to watch the movie because of memes and hashtags I’d seen on social media. Notice, I didn’t see the meme and deem it true or factual. Today on a morning show, they had a segment about the movie. The writer/director (a woman) stated that people were missing the point. No, they aren’t missing the point because they didn’t watch the movie. They saw a meme and jumped on the meme train to oblivion.

I find it quite disturbing how people are getting their “knowledge” from memes. Maybe there is some truth to be told, but shouldn’t we do some research before we believe it ourselves or spread the lie to others. Christians aren’t supposed to lie. In fact, if you are a believer that believes lifestyle dictates where one will be spending eternity (I am not), lying is one of those damnable lifestyles. Rev. 22:15, check it out.

#Save Our Children

Pedophilia has been around a long, long, long time before #SOC. Why only now are we caring about our children? Is it because it’s the new trendy cool thing we are all supposed to care about for the moment? Does posting #ANYTHING really make a difference? Will it stop a woman from being me-too’d? Will it change the mind of anyone as to the validity of Black life? I’m going out on a limb here, but probably not.

If we really want to #SOC, shouldn’t we, as the adults and parents of the children we are trying to save, care about what goes into their minds and ears? Is it OK to post #SOC but listen with them to WAP or let them see you talking about, on social media, the porn you’ve been watching? There are things in life that are adult-only; we should remember that.

Read Luke 17:2 to see what Jesus had to say about anyone who causes a child to stumble. There are numerous ways to cause a child to stumble. Pedophilia is one but not the only one. Don’t you think the things we are allowing our children to see & hear cause them to stumble? I do.


We will not be canceling Netflix. In fact, I encourage all of you to watch the movie. It may get you “woke” to some things you’ve been doing or not paying attention to in the welfare of your own children.

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