Author Archives: Christy Doggett

Revelation Chapter 2

Jesus’s Letters To The Churches Chapter two begins with the first of seven letters to the churches. In the Bible, seven often represents completeness. So in choosing seven churches, it includes the complete church. All Christians, individually and as a … Continue reading

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The Story Of My Healing

The Hard Asks Has God ever asked you to do something that you truly did not want to do? For me, this was one of those asks. I began this in October of last year (2020). Today is February 3rd, … Continue reading

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The BLM movement has been on my mind lately, as I’m sure it has been for many of you. A song I learned in Sunday school has been running through my mind all day. It goes like this, “Jesus loves … Continue reading

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#CancelNetflix. Really?

For a few days now, I’ve seen many posts about canceling Netflix because of the movie Cuties. The memes and posts state that the movie promotes pedophilia. I am not a person who participates in the boycotting of anything based … Continue reading

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Revelation Chapter 1

Christians should not fear this book When I was a small girl, I can’t remember my exact age, but I was at least 7 or 8. A Sunday school teacher told me that we weren’t meant to understand the Book … Continue reading

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The Bible, “God’s Word”,… or is it?

I’ve personally never questioned the Holy Bible’s accuracy or if it was written through the power of the Holy Spirit. It seems counter-productive to believe in God, whom I’ve never seen with my eyes, nor have I heard Him speak … Continue reading

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Church…To Attend or Not to Attend Part 2

In my last blog, I discussed church and politics. Today I want to talk about the judgments that come out of organized religion. 1 Cor. 5:12-13: “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you … Continue reading

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Chruch…to attend or not to attend

In January of this year (2020), I started reading James with the intent to read straight through Revelation. I began reading Rev. 1, April 3rd, and I am just now (July 21st) to Rev. 15. A lot is going on … Continue reading

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Democrat Christian? Republican Christian? Or Just Christian?

The first topic I’d like to discuss is politics. This is a bad word for me. America is divided right down the middle because of it right now. More so than ever before in my life. Even Christians have divided … Continue reading

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