About Blog

I’ve believed in God, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit since I was a child. I was saved at age 7. I realized I was a sinner who needed forgiveness, and I accepted the gift Jesus offered and was forever saved. It’s that easy.

In my life, I’ve spent a lot of time in churches, and I’ve spent a lot of time out of them too. Currently, I haven’t attended church in 8 years. GASP!! (I can feel all the staunch church or hell believers’ condemnation from here). But not to worry, this is not a church-bashing blog.

On the contrary, I think churches serve a significant number of purposes. Although, I feel the goals aren’t always aligned with God’s intended purposes.

What have I been doing for the past eight years? I’ve been reading the Bible, studying, and journaling almost daily. I’ve asked Jesus to help me understand His message and what he wants me to learn.

I’ve used minimal commentary, except for some of the oldest theologians like Spurgeon, for one example. Enduring Word is a site I enjoy using when studying a particular book of the Bible. I find it to be a straightforward approach to commentary without too much influence from a specific religion. My beliefs and views align with theirs in many ways but not exactly.

In the tab “Bible Studies,” I share my personal Bible study with you. They are from my notes as I was studying a specific book myself. I also share with you my thoughts (they are just that, only thoughts). I share them because I welcome you to share yours in return. I want a discussion. Communication is vital if there is ever to be a revival in our hearts. That revival started for me when I stopped talking about Jesus and started talking to Him instead.

In the tab “Discussion Topics,” you’ll find my thoughts on various subjects. I ponder current events and what they could mean for us from a Christian perspective. Then, I ask questions and search for answers. In this way, I work things out with God in my head and heart. Then, again, I share them to spark conversation.

More than anything, when I have questions, above all else, I want to hear & know what Jesus has to say. So I pray continually for His guidance and my willingness to follow. He has been the best teacher I’ve ever had.

In the tab “Journals,” I share my journey as a Christian. I’ll attempt to explain how Jesus has changed my life and heart. I am a completely different person than I was eight years ago, and I’m sure not to be the same person I am today eight years in the future if I continue following where Jesus leads. However, if I find myself unchanged in the future, I will know I was not being led by Him.

As Christians, we are the hands and feet of God. Collectively, we are the body of Christ. Christ has ONE body. We are not meant to be divided. We aren’t portraying an optimally healthy body for Him if we are all separated by religion, race, heritage, or other reasons.

I’ve had many discussions with Jesus about this, and at some point, He started nudging me to take what I’ve been learning from Him and share it with other believers. This is my mission for God. I’m doing it from a heart of love, service, and tithing.

I will not be selling anything from this blog. There will not be affiliated links to click on for purchasing products. My sole purpose for doing this is to bring Christians together in one place to discuss the Bible, converse, help, and encourage and uplift each other. Hopefully, figure out where we’re failing so that we can be better, more productive Christians in our daily lives right where God has placed each of us.

I genuinely desire your feedback. I understand why people are scared to post comments on anything. I’ve seen the comments on a post about natural supplements getting pretty hairy. On this blog, I am the person who decides if your comment gets approved. I will never, ever allow hateful, harmful comments to get through. You can freely express your opinions, thoughts, questions, or whatever without fear of being belittled or cursed. There will be no name-calling.

Another thing, if you would like to comment but not have it posted to the site, tell me in your comment (I see it before it posts). I will not publish your comment, and we can talk privately. One last thing on this subject, this is not and will never be a place for political party talking points. Time spent typing out long wordy comments about why you feel one party is worse or better than the other will be wasted because they will not get posted.

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25